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Leadership, Reactivity, and Drifting from Consciousness

Season 1, Episode 30

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caneel executive coach

I'm a social scientist who helps people break out of the invisible traps and make whole-life changes easily and naturally.

Why do you show up for work each day? What motivates you to complete your tasks?

Is it because you have to…because it’s your job…. because someone told you to?

“Don’t be told. Be empowered.”

Empowerment starts when you begin to acknowledge what caused you to be “tasked,” understanding how you are choosing to show up each day, and how you are choosing to do the tasks you do.

You have agreements with yourself that you are committed to.

Building an intentional culture means shifting from an industrial model of “employees” who are tasked with a job to humans who are choosing to show up and do their part to impact the growth of the organization as a whole.

Human performance is complicated and goes beyond skill and knowledge. You as a leader, manager, or HR leader can have the greatest impact on performance when you support individual growth and help your team members to become empowered.

Brilliant business designer and TrueCar’s Chief People Officer, John Foster, joined me for my podcast episode, You Were Born To Be a Leader – How to Harness Your Organization’s Full Potential through Empowerment, Reciprocity and HR, to help guide you in this important conversation. He shares insights on how HR can be fundamental in empowering the mindset shift within an organization to optimize growth and to support each individual.


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